Monday, September 1, 2008


So, if people dont know yet, me and Ian added a new member to out family. We got a new dog! She is a vizsla boxer mix and is about 48 pounds. It took FOREVER to finally get her. We had been searching for a dog for awhile, but didnt find anything that we really just fell for. We decided to check out craigslist to see if there was anybody giving up a dog. We were on the fence about what kind of dog we wanted, all we knew was that it needed to be child friendly. We narrowed our search down to labs, boxers or vizslas. When we searched for a vizsla on craigslist, we found her! Her owner just got a promotion at work and was giving her up because she was going to need to travel for weeks at a time. At first I wasn't sold quite yet, I REALLY wanted a puppy, but after reading all about her I just fell in love. We contacted the lady about her and she told us we would need to interview with her. We interviewed and found out that she had interviewed 7 people before us and told them all no, but that she really liked us. Next on the list was a home visit to check out our house. We were a little surprised that this stranger wanted to come check out our home but decided to let her come. The day she was supposed to come, she called to tell us she is bringing a friend who helps foster dogs  with her to check us out. They came over and Roma (the dogs old name) came straight toward me and Ian and was licking us like crazy! We fell in love with her right then. They stayed for an hour and she told us it would be a couple of days before she told us if we could have her. Three days later we got an email saying she thought we were right for her dog, it had been a 2 week process thus far. She then informed us that we would have to wait another week before she would let us have her, and then proceeded to call and interview me AGAIN! As if that wasnt pushing the limit already, we were informed that she wanted us to sign an adoption CONTRACT. We received the copy and decided there was no way we were going to sign because the contract said she would be able to call to check up on her and that we had to keep an updated address and phone number with her, and if we didnt, she could come and confiscate our dog! So I emailed her back and told her we would not agree to those aspects of the contract. We were very scared that she was going to tell us that if we didnt sign, we wouldnt get the dog. She emailed us back and was willing to amend the contract to our needs. We were finally going to get her!! I swear after this whole ordeal, it probably would have been easier to adopt a child, but it was well worth it! Ian went and picked her up this past Friday and she layed across the console with her head on his lap the whole way home. I came home from work and we decided to take her on a long walk to get her used to our neighborhood. That night was the LONGEST night ever! She wasnt quite used to our home yet so we she up almost all night whining and smelling our house out, we got about 3 hours of sleep. Saturday was ALOT better and she was snuggling with us and playing with us all day long. Now she sleeps right in the middle of me and Ian at night and takes up half of our king sized bed! Last night we decided to take her on another walk. WHAT A DISASTER! For people who dont know, vizslas are hunting dogs, and our neighborhood has about a billion annoying little rabbits. Half way through our walk a rabbit darted across the road, Roxy took off and nearly ripped my hand off, it took everything inside of me to hold on to her while she was barking and going out of control, Ian and I had to sit her down and grab her to try and calm her down. She calmed down just a bit, and me and Ian decided we should probably just turn around and go home. Roxy was still pretty wound up and was still in hunting mode. Ian took over on holding her and not even a minute later, Roxy spotted another rabbit in the yard. Once again she was freaking out and me and Ian could not calm her down. Im sure the neighbors thought we were hurting her because she was yelping like crazy and jumping everywhere. This bunny decided to stay in the yard and stare at Roxy. I wanted to go and KICK IT! Me and Ian took off running with Roxy just trying to get her home, and praying there were no more bunnies in site. We finally got her home and she was still pretty shooken up by the whole ordeal, and so were we. She wasnt too happy with us because we wouldnt let her get the rabbits but after some bribing with some biscuits she was fine again. We hope that that never happens again!  We LOVE having her as part of our family because she is SO sweet and such a great companion when Ian is at work. We look forward to everyone meeting her! 


katherine said...

jessica! i was on facebook & noticed you were blogging, so naturally i HAD to come see! yay! i'm not obsessed :), but i do enjoy looking at friend's blogs. your house looks so fun!

Anonymous said...

Tonight Barrel tried to kill a possum. It was the scariest thing ever - he shook it around like a rag doll. Just wait. She is going to leave you a surprise at your door one day. :)

Love you!

Hearts and puppies!