Monday, September 29, 2008


This is not me, but this has been my life for the last five days. I don't know where this all came from, but it is AWFUL. Ian has been on and off sick for awhile with some throat issues but nothing as intense as this. All I can think of is that it is all of the germs that I encounter daily with my first grade class. Just last tuesday alone I got sneezed on by my students in my face, foot and arm. I'm guessing all of their germs teamed up and got the best of me. I missed my student teaching on thursday to stay home and be in bed all day and on Friday I had had enough and decided to go to the doctor. I have a bad sinus infection and fluid in my ears. Just my luck. I had to call into work and stayed home taking my medication. On Saturday, I pathetically called my mother over to come and help fix me. Even though I am married, having a parent take care of you always seems to help. She brought me food and drink and went and got me even MORE medication. I started feeling a little better and thought it would be a grand idea to finally get out of the house and go to the UT game, but I regret that now because I think I may have extended my sickness. It is Monday, and I have been sick since last wednesday. My antibiotic makes me EXTREMELY sick to my stomach. I never know if it worth taking medicine that just seems to make you sicker. Im hoping things will get better quick. It is SO nice having a dog now because she has been by my side the whole time. Its nice to have a cuddle buddy when Ian is at work. I refuse to let this sinusitis get the best of me. I'm counting down the days until I am healthy again!

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